Pewujudan GRASS mapset
Saya sangka modul GRASS dapat terus digunakan untuk analysis GIS tetapi salah. Pertama, GRASS perlu impor fail sedia ada untuk mewujudkan fail GRASS baru. Dalam masa itu, ianya membangunkan topologi baru dan membetulkan fitur-fitur sedia ada (tetapi tak jamin) serta katalognya dengan mewujudkan field baru bernama "cat". Perbandingan antara bilangan fitur-fitur sedia ada dan baru akan menjelaskan betapa sempurnanya fail sedia ada. Fail baru ini adalah lebih efisen dan cepat untuk memproses pertanyaan analysis. Fail PDF boleh dimuat turun disini. Artikel ini telah dikemaskini disini.
Create a GRASS mapset
I thought I could immediately use GRASS modules for GIS analysis but I was wrong. Firstly, GRASS must import an existing file to become a new GRASS file. During that time, it builds a new topology and cleans all original features (though not guaranteed) and catalogues them by creating a new field called "cat". Comparison between the number of features in the original and new file will show how perfect the original file was. This new file now makes it more efficient and faster to process analytical queries. The PDF file can be downloaded here. This article has been updated here.
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