
Training: JPBD Central Zone Project Office get trained in QGIS

Day 2  turnout had very lively participants 
Hah! QGIS ability to do editing in simple steps caught their eyes
Latihan: Pejabat Projek Zon Tengah mendapat laithan QGIS

20-21.3.2012 merupakan 2 hari yang didedikasi kepada melatih staf dari Pejabat Projek ketiga mengikut kaedah train-the-trainer dan diadakan pada Makmal IT Ibu Pejabat JPBD. Kurang dari 20 peserta hadir latihan tersebut. Walaupun pemindahan teknologi telah dilaksanakan, saya merasa komitmen dan sokongan yang kuat daripada semua Pengarah Pejabat Projek amat perlu bagi memastikan penggunapakaian QGIS berjaya kerana Fadzlan dan saya tidak mempunyai kuasa untuk ianya jadi, tambahan pula, ramai yang hadir telah pun biasa dengan perisian GIS berlesen. Ini lah realiti yang kami menghadapi dan saya, yang sudah lama berkhidmat dengan Kerajaan tahu saja kadangkala muka yang senyum tidak semestinya bermakna juga hati yang senyum. Yang penting, kami berpuashati dapat berkongsi ilmu GIS dalam OSS GIS.

Training: JPBD Central Zone Project Office get trained in QGIS

20-21.3.2012 were 2 days dedicated to training the staff from the third JPBD Project Office on a train-the-trainer approach held at JPBD Headquarters IT Laboratory. Slightly less than 20 participants attended. Although the transfer of technology was done, I still get the feeling that strong commitment from all Project Office directors' support for the adoption of QGIS is crucial to its adoption success especially because Fadzlan and myself have no control in ensuring the adoption of QGIS among those trained, furthermore,  many trained are already familiar with proprietary GIS. This is the reality, we face and I who have worked so long in the government service only know too well that smiling faces do not necessarily mean smiling hearts. All the same, we are happy to have shared GIS knowledge in OSS GIS. 


Wan Hafizul Wan Mahmood

Azmi Husein

Sharin Amir Sharifuddin

Yusof Ismail
Bagus ilmu yang baru tapi  perlu lebih masa untuk mudahdiri ada banyak pro & kontra dengan MapInfo.

Nina Shikeen Hamzah
Perlu lebih masa untuk explore

Norzariyati Aini Abdul Majid
Sistemnya mudah digunakan.Walaubagaimanapun beberapa sesi tambahan perlu dijalankan bagi menambahkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran pengguna.

Noriah Husin

Nurulhuda Mohd. Sidi
Perlu lebih masa belajar tutorial

Sauhaidah Yusop

Nurula'im Abdul Azis
QGIS lebih mudah untuk berinteraksi kerana dapat membuka beberpa bentuk data dalam satu-satu masa.Kaedah untuk analisis data lebih mudah diperolehi berbanding MapInfo tetapi perlu membuat banyak latihan untuk memahirkan penggunaan QGIS.

Fairulwati Farok

Suhana Tahir
Good, OK

Yusnaim Abdul Rani

Mohd. Fazli Ayub 

Airman Ayusneda Ibrahim
QGIS bagus tetapi terlalu banyak yang perlu dipelajari dalam satu hari

Sri Ranjini a/p Awali
QGIS OK tapi belum cuba sepenuhnya. Masanya tak cukup untuk belajar dengan bagus lagi.

Mohd. Norazham Hamim

Noorhayati Zainal Abidin
QGIS lebih teratur sistem berbanding MapInfo tetapi masih banyak perlu di explore

Mazlee Ismail

Nursyamilah Yahya

Norhaini Ahmad
Good lesson, ilmu banyak


Khadijah Abdul Hamid
Mudah hands-on tak banyak command tapi perlu leih masa lagi untuk pelajari.


  1. Assalamualaikum Tuan,

    I have a request. Can u make a post/paper on practical organisation chart for GIS? In my opinion, GIS should involve expertise from 1. Geographical PART ( J Officer or any grade suitable)2. SYSTEM PART(F Officer or any grade suitable) + Information Officer ( Should be from Business Site e.g ( Educational officer come from DG Grade Ogiicer or any grade that come from their own business )

    1. W'slm. I do not intend to reinvent the wheel. You only need to refer to the organisation chart of the National Landuse Information Division at JPBD. Sem. Malaysia where there already exist J and F officers which fulfill ours need. Your needs may be different thus it is only right you adjust it according to your requirement and no one can argue your setup is wrong.

  2. So ur organisation chart involve J + F is it? What grade are they? F54?

    1. Go to "http://www.townplan.gov.my/devo/directory.php?ID=7". When I say, the information is there, it is there! In the Internet, one must be prepared to search if one is really serious about something even if it involves sex or religion. It just takes a little more effort sometimes.

  3. Thank you so much SIR. May god bless u forever.
