Transformasi data GPS kedalam bentuk spatial
(Transforming GPS data into spatial form)
Segenlintir agensi mempunyai data aset ataupun sebagainya dalam bentuk non-spatial. Ada juga yang telah mengambil initiatif untuk menandakan lokasi setiap aset itu dengan kordinat GPS (longitude dan latitude), bagaimana pun, data tersebut masih disimpan dalam bentuk spreadsheet seperti Mircosoft Excel. Penggunaan data tersebut tidak menjadi isu sehingga timbulnya keperluan pihak pengurusan atau pihak atasan seperti pihak Kementerian untuk melihat pentadburan asetnya dalam bentuk spatial. Adakah QGIS mempunyai kebolehan untuk mentransformasi data non-spatial tersebut dalam konteks spatial? Boleeeh! No problem.
Some agencies have a database of their assets kept in non-spatial form. Others take the initiative to locate every asset with GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude), however, such data is still kept in spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel. The use of such data does not become an issue until there comes a time when the ministry wants to determine the spatial distribution of their assets . Does QGIS have the capability to transform non-spatial data into spatial contexts? Of course! No problem.
Some agencies have a database of their assets kept in non-spatial form. Others take the initiative to locate every asset with GPS coordinates (longitude and latitude), however, such data is still kept in spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel. The use of such data does not become an issue until there comes a time when the ministry wants to determine the spatial distribution of their assets . Does QGIS have the capability to transform non-spatial data into spatial contexts? Of course! No problem.

Sebagi contoh, pihak BOMBA selama ini mempunyai pangkalan data pili BOMBA bagi seluruh kawasan Semenanjung Malaysia dan lokasi setiap pili disimpan dalam spreadsheet Excel. Mereka kini ingin menggunakan GIS untuk memaparkan data tersebut tetapi tidak mempunyai ketetapan lokasi pili bomba dalam bentuk longlitud dan latitud. Dalam hal tersebut, mereka terpaksa menjalankan lawatan tapak sekali lagi untuk mendapatkan titik koordinat setiap pili dengan menggunakan alat GPS. Semasa ditapak, value koordinat bagi setiap pili di"tag"kan dalam spreadsheet. Balik di pejabat, value korordinat ditukarkan kedalam unit minit dan kemudian fail Excel tersebut diubah dalam format yang dapat diterjemahkan oleh QGIS. Seterusnya modul tertentu diguna untuk mentransformasikan data non-spatial kedalam bentuk spatial. Hasilnya adalah seperti dipaparkan. Mudah, senang dan pantas. Kesimpulannya, QGIS mempunyai pelbagai modul yang setanding dan kadangkala lebih canggih dari GIS berlesen. Belum cuba belum tahu!
To exemplify, the Fire department all the while kept a database of their hydrants for the whole of Peninsular Malaysia and location of every hydrant kept in the Excel spreadsheet. They now are desirous of using GIS to view such data but do not have the actual location of the hydrants in longitude and latitude. Here, they have to carry out site surveys to obtain coordinate points for each hydrant using a GPS tool. At the site, the coordinate values for each hydrant is tagged in the spreadsheet. Back at the office, the coordinate values are changed into minute units then the Excel file is converted into a file format understood by QGIS. A specific module is used to transform non-spatial data into spatial form. The result is as shown. Easy, simple and fast. The conclusion is that QGIS has various modules at par and at times more sophisticated than proprietary GIS. You won't know until you give it a try!
To exemplify, the Fire department all the while kept a database of their hydrants for the whole of Peninsular Malaysia and location of every hydrant kept in the Excel spreadsheet. They now are desirous of using GIS to view such data but do not have the actual location of the hydrants in longitude and latitude. Here, they have to carry out site surveys to obtain coordinate points for each hydrant using a GPS tool. At the site, the coordinate values for each hydrant is tagged in the spreadsheet. Back at the office, the coordinate values are changed into minute units then the Excel file is converted into a file format understood by QGIS. A specific module is used to transform non-spatial data into spatial form. The result is as shown. Easy, simple and fast. The conclusion is that QGIS has various modules at par and at times more sophisticated than proprietary GIS. You won't know until you give it a try!
"Balik di pejabat, value korordinat ditukarkan kedalam unit minit dan kemudian fail Excel tersebut diubah dalam format yang dapat diterjemahkan oleh QGIS."
ReplyDeleteFormat apa yg dpat diterjemah oleh QGIS?
Saya cuba menggunakan koordinat no di Google map, tapi apabila no itu dimasukkan ke dlm QGIS, QGGIS tidak dapat cari tempat itu.. Adakah berlainan format? Bagaimana cara mahu tukar koordinat no pada Google kepada QGIS?
>Format apa yg dpat diterjemah oleh QGIS?
>Bagaimana cara mahu tukar koordinat no pada Google kepada QGIS?
1. Gunakan Decimal converter, Internet banyak pilihan.
2. Convert fail ouput kedalam format .csv
3. Import fail .csv kedalam QGIS
4. Perkara ini level intermediate not that simple to explain in words.