
QGIS updated to 1.8 under Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10

QGIS dikemaskini ke 1.8 dibawah Ubuntu Oneric 11.10

Dulu komputer cap ayam saya beroperasi dengan Ubuntu Natty 11.04 dilengkapi QGIS 1.7. Semalam, ianya ia beroperasi dengan Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10 dilengkapi QGIS 1.8. Skrip QGIS 1.8 baris pertama  "deb http://qgis.org/debian-nightly oneiric main" disalin dari seksyen Download/Master laman web QGIS ke filesystem/etc/apt/source.list/other software/add box. Baris kedua "deb-src http://qgis.org/debian-nightly oneiric main" disalinkan secara automatik. Seterusnya, skrip baris pertama bagi repository public key "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 1F9ADD375CA44993" disalin & ditampal pada terminal/enter diikuti dengan skrip kedua bagi repository public key "gpg --export --armor 1F9ADD375CA44993 | sudo apt-key add -" disalin & ditampal pada terminal/enter lalu diminta kata laluan sudo. Source.list ditutup dan fail patch dikemaskini menggunapakai update manager. Sebagai langkah keselamatan, synaptic package manager diaktifkan/masukkan kata laluan sudo/edit/fix broken packages lalu ditutpkan. Selepas reboot, saya klik ikon QGIS dalam bar (vertikal ikon) Unity tetapi QGIS melaporkan beberapa plugins didapati usang akibat versi baru QGIS. Untuk mengatasinya, I aktifkan QGIS Phython Plugin installer, uninstalled semua plugin yang telah installed, dimana boleh, lalu dibawah Repository tab, pilih 'add 3rd party repositories' lalu tutup QGIS, kemudian aktifkan QGIS dan re-install plugins yang dulu guna. Laporan awal tadi tidak wujud lagi. Selain dari imej startup "under construction" yang boring, saya tidak menghadapi sebarang masalah, akan tetapi, saya menasihati pelawat agar terus ke blog mengenai Ubuntu GIS installation sebab dalam jangkamasa panjang, versi biasa nampaknya lebih reliabil. 

QGIS updated to 1.8 under Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10

Then my brand x computer was running on Ubuntu Natty 11.04 with QGIS 1.7.  Yesterday, it runs on Ubuntu Oneiric 11.10 with QGIS 1.8. The first line QGIS 1.8 script "deb http://qgis.org/debian-nightly oneiric main" was copied from the Download/Master section at QGIS homepage and pasted at the filesystem/etc/apt/source.list/other software/add box. The second line "deb-src http://qgis.org/debian-nightly oneiric main" copied itself automatically. Next, the first line of the repository public key script "gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 1F9ADD375CA44993" was copied & pasted  to the terminal/enter followed by the second line of the repository public key "gpg --export --armor 1F9ADD375CA44993 | sudo apt-key add -" copied & pasted to the terminal/enter which then demanded my sudo password. I closed the source.list then updated the patch files using the update manager. Just to play safe, I activated the synapatic package manager/entered the sudo password/edit/fix broken packages then closed it. After a reboot, I clicked on the QGIS icon in the Unity (vertical icon) bar which activated QGIS but QGIS reported a number of plugins were obsolete by the new QGIS version. To overcome this, I activated the QGIS Phython Plugin installer, uninstalled all the installed plugins wherever possible, then under the Repository tab, selected the 'add 3rd party repositories' then closed QGIS, opened QGIS again and re-install those plugins I used before. The earlier report now does not appear. Other than a boring 'under construction' startup image, I have not faced any hiccups, all the same, I would advise visitors to proceed to my blog on Ubuntu GIS installation as I found the normal version it more reliable in the long run.

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