
gps to .shp: Time to learn about .csv

gps to .shp: Tibanya masa untuk mengenai .csv

Kali pertama saya mengenal tentang fail .csv adalah semasa ingin memindahkan senarai kontak dalam akaun emel Gmail kepada akaun emel Yahoomail sebagai back-up. Kini, saya sedar ianya mempunyai banyak kegunaan, di sini untuk mentransformasi  data spreadsheet GPS kedalam bentuk spatial seperti mana telah dibangkitkan dulu. Kajian kes ini melanjutkan transformasi kali ini untuk menyambungkan data atribut mengunapakai kaaedah .csv sepertimana telah saya buat terlebih dahulu untuk data coordinate reference. Saya boleh biarkan semua data atribut dalam fail .csv pertama dan output akan sama tetapi saya tidak akan mempelajari bagamana nak eksploitasi kegunaaan  data management tool:join attribute dan lihat bagaimana ianya sangat berguna. Kertas PDF menghuraikan transformasi data spreadsheet gps dalam bentuk spatial boleh dimuat turun diisini.

gps to .shp: Time to learn about .csv

The first time I got to know about .csv files was when I wanted to transfer my contact list in my Gmail account to another email account in my Yahoomail account as a back-up. Now, I find it has many uses as seen here in the transformation of  GPS spreadsheet data to a spatial form which I had brought up earlier. The case study in that transformation was further extended in this time to join the earlier spatial data with  the attribute data using the .csv approach as I did earlier with the coordinate reference data. I could have put all that supporting attribute data in the first .csv file and the output would have been the same but I would not have learnt how to exploit the use of the data management tool:join attribute and see when it could become handy. The PDF paper on the transformation of gps spreadsheet data to spatial form can be downloaded here.

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