
Things to know about Ubuntu installation if you intend to use QGIS Ubuntu

Perkara yang perlu diketahui mengenai pemasangan Ubuntu
jika ingin menggunakan QGIS Ubuntu

Sama ada anda mempunyai komputer jenis dual boot computer atau tidak, perkara-perkara berikut perlu diketahui jika baru dengan Ubuntu dan berhasrat untuk memasang QGIS Ubuntu. Dari pengalaman saya:
  • Selepas pemasangan baru Ubuntu, perkara pertama yang perlu dibuat adalah mengemaskini kesemua patch files kerana ianya mengandungi fail prerequisite yang diperlukan oleh Ubuntu. Caranya?
    In vertical icon menu bar/select dash home/type "update manager"/ select "update manager"/select/install files.
  • Semenara itu, walhal ini tiada berkaitan dengan qgis, anda boleh pasang jika berminat "Ubuntu restricted extras" yang mengandungi driver-driver penting untuk multimedia. Caranya?
    Go to Ubuntu software centre/type "ubuntu restricted extras"/select "Ubuntu restricted extras"/select install/authenticate password.
  • Sementar itu, walhal ini tiada berkaitan dengan qgis, anda boleh pasang jika berminat "BleachBit" iaitu app memory performance yang boleh diguna dari masa semasa untuk mempercepatkan ptrestasi komputer. Caranya?
    Go to Ubuntu software centre/type "Bleachbit"/select "BleachBit" /select install/authenticate password.
  • Jika memilih QGIS dalam Ubuntu software centre, kemungkinan besar ianya adalah Versi 1.4 manakala yang terkini telah melebihi Ver  1.7 dan anda tidak dapat memperolehi beberapa modul yang bergantug kepada librari terkini. Adalah disyorkan pasang versi terkini yang stabil berpandu pendekatan dari www.qgis.org/download/ubuntu atau sini.
  • Kemudian, walhal ini tiada berkaitan dengan qgis, anda mungkin tidak senang  skrin kerap padam selepas 10 mins oleh itu bagaimana nak mengatasinya? Caranya?
    Go to the gear icon on the top right end of the monitor/select system settings/screen/select lock to unlock
  • QGIS amat kritikal pada sistem operasi komputer yang sempurna. Jika anda punya tidak, bersedia lah masalah-masalah berkaitan seperti Fetch Python Plugin yang hilang. Jika ya, pasangkan semula Ubuntu tetapi pilih opsyen upgrade from Ver 11.10 to Ver 11.10. Ini akan mengantikan fail-fail korupt dan telah hilang serta tidak akan roaskkan fail-fail kerja sedia ada. Masa prosesan lebih lama dari biasa kerana terdapat banyakcross-checking antara Ubuntu yang dipasang dan yang dalam installation CD.
Things to know about Ubuntu installation if you intend to use QGIS Ubuntu

Whether you have a dual boot computer or not, there are things that you should know if you are new to Ubuntu and intend to install QGIS Ubuntu. From my experience:
  • After a fresh installation of Ubuntu, the first thing you must do is update all the patch files because they contain prerequisite files needed to install QGIS. How?
    In vertical icon menu bar/select dash home/type "update manager"/ select "update manager"/select/install files.
  • Along the way, although this has got nothing to do with qgis, you may like to install "Ubuntu restricted extras" which contain crucial drivers, say, to enjoy multimedia files. How?
    Go to Ubuntu software centre/type "ubuntu restricted extras"/select "Ubuntu restricted extras"/select install/authenticate password.
  • Along the way, although this has got nothing to do with qgis, you may also like to install "BleachBit" which is a memory performance app which you can use once in a while to boost your computer's performance. How?
    Go to Ubuntu software centre/type "Bleachbit"/select "BleachBit" /select install/authenticate password.
  • If you select the QGIS in the Ubuntu software centre, it may still probably be Ver 1.4 whereas the latest stable version has  past Ver  1.7 and you may not be able to enjoy certain modules which dependent on the more recent libraries. I would recommend installing the latest stable version base on the steps from www.qgis.org/download/ubuntu or here.
  • Later, although this has got nothing to do with qgis, you may get sick and tired of the screen locking itself after 10 mins so do you want to stop this action? If yes, how?
    Go to the gear icon on the top right end of the monitor/select system settings/screen/select lock to unlock
  • QGIS is very critical of a clean operating system. If yours is not, be prepared for hiccups like missing Fetch Python. If it is, re-install Ubuntu but select the option recommending upgrade from Ver 11.10 to Ver 11.10. This will replace any corrupted and missing files and will not harm your existing work files. The processing time is much longer than the usual installation because there is lots of cross-checking between the installed Ubuntu and the Ubuntu in the installation CD.

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