
MMQGIS's Merge Layer

ZONING layer totals 185,310 features
GTNSMS layer totals 172,613 features
Logically, Merge layer total's 357,923 features when no common denominator exists between the two
Note Semasa data nulls until one scrolls all the way down
Note ZONING data nulls until one scrolls allt he way up

MMQGIS's Merge Layer

Today, I tested MMQGIS's Merge Layer in the DuFour version and I am happy to say that it works well. This is a good tool when there is a need to SQL data contained in separate layers. Of course, in the first place the two separate layers should have common denominators column e.g. lot number or else the software will assume each row is unique so instead of really merging the two layers side by side, it puts the tow layers one on top of the other. This means there is a need to clean the data thoroughly first before merging of two layers is desired. The point of the matter is that MMQGIS works extremely well with no hiccups eventhough the number of features between the two layers are different.


* QGIS 2.0.1-Dufour

QGIS 2.0.1-Dufour

Hari ni apabila dimulakan QGIS, tiba-tiba Ver. 1.8 ghaib dan diganti dengan QGIS 2.0.1-Dufour. Ini nampaknya hanya terdapat pada sistem operasi Ubuntu. Laman web QGIS masih mempromosi Ver. 1.8 sebagai versi terkini dan juga pada muka QGIS Download tetapi bukan pada Ubuntu Software Centre dimana Ver. 1.8 telah dikemaskini menjadi Ver 2.0.1. Ikon telah berubah bentuk dan juga di tabur semula pada workscreen maka terpaksalah belajar semula tapi rasa-rasa tidak sukar sebab maklumat teks bagi setiap ikon akan tonjol sebelahnya. Sebab ni semua baru keluar ketuhar, tak dapatlah saya memberi komen ... lagi. Untuk makluman, ubuntu qgis di pejabat tidak berfungsi dengan sempurna tetapi selepas mengeluarkan semua versi tersebut lalu dipasangkan semula melalui terminal, semua berfungsi dengan baik

QGIS 2.0.1-Dufour

I got a pleasant surprise today when I activated QGIS and my Ver. 1.8 changed into QGIS 2.0.1-Dufour. This appears to be available on the Ubuntu operating system and even the QGIS homepage still promotes Ver. 1.8 as their latest release. This appears even so on the QGIS Download page but I found that on the Ubuntu Software Centre, the regular Ver. 1.8 has been upgraded to the Ver 2.0.1. Icons have changed and even redistributed over the workscreen so there'll be some relearning here but I doubt it will take long since the text for the respective icon appears beside them. It's just out of the oven for me so I cannot comment on it ...yet. For the record, my office ubuntu qgis did not install perfectly but after totally removing the corrupt version and re-installing via terminal, everything now works fine.


Talk: Department of National Heritage (JWN) get briefing on QGIS, 12.9.2013

Taklimat: Jabatan Warisan Negara mendapat taklimat mengenai QGIS, 12.9.2013

JPBD menerima rombongan seramai 20 orang dari Jabatan Warisan Negara di Ibu Pejabat JPBD yang ingin mengetahui lebih mengenai pengurusan maklumat menggunakan sistem maklumat geografi khususnya Quantum GIS. Hanya 3 pelawat pernah menggunakan perisian GIS, maka, taklimat yang diberi adalah eye-opener bukan dari aspek GIS tapi juga OSS GIS. Mereka amat berpuashati dengan taklimat tersebut dan menyuarakan hasrat untuk cuba mendapat bantuan latihan QGIS kelak dari JPBD.

Talk: Department of National Heritage (JWN) get briefing on QGIS, 12.9.2013

JPBD received a group of 20 visitors from the Department of National Heritage at JPBD Headquarters who were desirous on knowing more about managing information using GIS specifically with Quantum GIS. Only 3 among them have used a GIS software so the briefing was an eye-opener not just from the aspect of GIS  but also OSS GIS. They were very satisfied with the briefing given and said were hoping in future to get QGIS training from JPBD.