QGIS mendapat Penderma Emas
Andainya selama ni anda tidak tahu mengenai perkara ini, anda akan tahu sekarang dari saya bahawa blog Spatial Galaxy seperti dimaklumkan pada Links kat bawah diperolehi dan disenggarakan lain tak lain oleh Gary Sherman, pencipta Quantum GIS. Sekali sekala, saya melawatinya untuk mendapatkan perkembangan terkini, tip serta untuk memantau arahtuju QGIS. Artikel Oktober 4th 2012, merupakan berita baik bagi pengguna hardcore QGIS seperti saya kerana ianya jelas membuktikan QGIS telah mantap dan menyakinkan. Saya percaya semakin stabilnya QGIS, semakin banyak AAS akan menyumbang kepada QGIS. Sebagai pegawai kerajaan, berita seperti ini amat penting untuk memberi keyakinan kepada agensi-agensi kerajaan yang berminat menerima QGIS sebagai perisian GIS utamanya. Saya pasti selepas ni, ramai akan kunjungi blog beliau.
If you do not know it before then you will know it now from me that the blog Spatial Galaxy also at mentioned under my Links below is owned and maintained by none other than Gary Sherman, the founder of Quantum GIS. I pop there once in a blue moon to see what's up, get tips from the Grand Master himself as well as observe the direction where QGIS heads. His recent October 4th 2012 article will make QGIS hardcore users like me very happy for it is a clear indication that QGIS is here to stay and I believe the more stable QGIS gets, the more AAS will be keen to continuing sponsoring QGIS. I know as a government officer that the spread of this sort of news to government agencies is also important to give them confidence and assurance that making QGIS their principal GIS software is not a wrong choice. I would expect his blog to have a short burst of visitors shortly.