
Shortest path is so easy to use but...

Determine origin
Determine destination
See it run
And again when a road becomes one way in the opposite direction

Shortest path paling senang untuk guna tetapi...

Saya amat suka melihat modul Shortest path 'run' kerana hasilnya amat pantas, termasuk amat mudah untuk diguna. Pasti anda akan mengkagumkan sesiapa yang melihatnya beroperasi, tambah pula, bila melihat bagaimana arahtuju jalan mudah dimanipulasi dan dijadikan jalan sehala yang terbalik lalu run semula dan lihat bagaimana arahtuju tu berubah. Contohnya adalah seperti diatas, dengan syarat, setting sebelum ni telah dikonfigurasi. Masalahnya bukan mengenai modul tetapi pengumpulan data yang diperlu untuk menghasilkan output yang tepat... apa jadi pun, tetap anda boleh mengkagumkan sesiapa.

Shortest path is so easy to use but...

I really like to see the the Shortest path module runs because it does it so fast not to mention it is so easy to use. I guarantee you will impress anyone who sees it run and further impress them again when they see how you easily manipulate a road direction and re-set to be in the reserve direction then run the module and see how the direction changes. This is what I did in the example above but of course before that, I had to configure the setting. The problem with this exercise is not with the module but the collection of data required to produce accurate outputs...but impress anyone,  you will.

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